LeftBar plugin updated

As per request the LeftBar plugin should now adapt to the palette used.

LeftBar: A menu type sidebar, on the left - now version 2.2.0

(note that the later versions are hosted on tiddlyhost, no longer on tiddlyspot)

@JS2 @TwN00b


Thank You @twMat - this works as intended and I hope to have the use of a LeftBar up and useful in no time!

I run in full-screen mode - and launch my local (dropbox) tiddler from the terminal on my mac - so I don’t have to worry about leaving the page.

My goal is to see if I can rotate the text 90 degrees, add tabs then each tab section placed back to the original 180 degrees.

This way - I can migrate a lot of the tabs I have on my main tiddler to the LeftBar,…

(Well, that’s the hope - since I am still sort-of new to TiddlyWiki - and only update it as needed.)

Thanks Again!

  • TwNoob
1 Like

Good to hear that it works.

Not sure I follow this, but just make a new post in this forum, ideally with a crude sketch showing what you want, and I can likely help you. It sounds like a CSS matter.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: How can we Create Vertical Tabs rotated by 90°