KJV Thread --> H2G2TW -->A Hitchhiker's Guide to TiddlyWiki Application Development

What I think Scott has done in this thread is produce a dialectical journal of his development of a TiddlyWiki application.

To take threads such as Scott’s thread, curate the posts for better flow and readability, and produce:

  KJV: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to TiddlyWiki Application Development.

In Scott’s case, he would edit the OP and add:

  “If you want the curated version, go here <link>”

H2G2TWs would be a shiny new category, strictly policed to contain ONLY curated journals as described above.

Downside: Time!


@Scott_Sauyet ?

It’s in the “Showcase” category. IMO the wiki and the thread itself are already in the right category.

We do have “Showcase” and “Tips & Tricks”. So I do no really see the need for a new category, which needs extra moderator attention.

I think you already did answer it yourself.

Downside: Time!


Don’t panic :nerd_face:

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And there you have it.

I’m honored that you think this thread worthy of something like that. But no, for me this was something to work on while I decided if my SQL experiment is worth pursuing. I hope it’s helpful. And while I do have an additional version to announce, I’m not interested in spending much time on it right now.

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