Keyboard shortcut for fullscreen tiddler in muuri layout not working correctly inspite of a perfectly working fullscreen button using a similar code

In this demo wiki (open only in desktop mode), if you hover over the right edge of a tiddler, you can see a fullscreen button which makes the tiddler into a hacky fullscreen mode (by using horizontal muuri layout, muuri-tiddler-width of 1 and finally by navigating to the currentTiddler, fullscreen effect is achieved) - Here is the code used - My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

But the keyboard shortcut (Alt+F) for fullscreen tiddler is not working corrrectly. I meant, although horizontal muuri layout, muuri-tiddler-width of 1 happens, the navigation to the current-tiddler in storylist doesn’t happen. So fullscreen effect is missing. Here is the code - My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

Can someone help ?

Note: Alt+D is the keyboard shortcut for exiting from fullscreen mode which is working correctly

With the help of telumire I was able to solve this by wrapping the ActionNavigateWidget within navigator widget like this

<$navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList">
<$action-navigate $to={{$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler}} $scroll="yes" />

Hi @arunnbabu81
Could you link your successfull example?

The fullscreen mode I am using is based on fullscreen mode of multicolumn plug-in and I have made it to work with muuri layout specifically for my card layout as shown below.


It may not work the same way in other wikis with muuri layout(since i haven’t tested it). Also it’s not a real fullscreen mode, but a hacky one mimicing a fullscreen mode.

@JanJo I have updated the demo wiki. The links given in the OP are also of updated tiddlers.

Use Alt+F to go to fullscreen and Alt+V to return from fullscreen mode. Alt+Up/Down arrow to navigate through the tiddlers.


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Cool! A bit turbo-charged, so that it is not easy to handle… Do you want the card to transform while dragging? What function does the range-slider in the menu-bar have?

It would be better if the native UI is hidden while dragging. Any idea how to do it?

That’s not menubar…tats tiddler with abovestory tag…it is used to populate the storyriver with tiddlers based on the filter created by the select widgets…slider I took from jonnie’s creation