KeeBoord may be incompatible with 5.2.1+

Tried out keeboord. It had some serious side effects. Not sure if it’s just my config (and other plugins), but the preview button turned into the word “yes” on clicking (but didn’t preview), the search box refused to search, and some links lost the ability to link. I suspect that it’s a general incompatibility with 5.2.1 is on TiddlyWiki v 5.1.17

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I didn’t understand your comment, but I see now that everything in Keeboord is now part of TW. Oops.


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Any particular reason for using keeborad plug in ?

No! I didn’t realize it had been incorporated. So unless you’re using an older TW that you can’t upgrade, no reason.

Can I help it I never get the memos? :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Changed my resource link to indicate that KeeBoord has been superceded.

If I remember correctly, you had asked in past regarding plug ins for keyboard navigation. I was wondering whether this was also for the same purpose?

Yes. I want to navigate through the story river while in zoomin mode.

I think you must have tried the plug ins mentioned in this post.

  1. MaxGyver keyboard navigation
  2. Benwebber - motion

Don’t they work nicely in zoom in mode?

Those links are seriously injured, BTW.

The maximilian one doesn’t navigate in zoomin mode.

I think I came across the benwebber one, but forgot to try it somehow. It looks like a winner. The main problem being that you sometimes have to click on the tiddler border to get the focus out of the text/edit fields.


Ya thats true, but it not hard to find the demo sites by simple google search.

Did you tried BTC version. It does work in zoomin mode.

Also use this javascript code from the maxmillian one. With this you can click on a tiddler to make it the focussed tiddler - Demo of tw5-keyboard-navigation — Navigate through your TiddlyWiki using only your keyboard