Katex display for Tiddler title?

Is there a way to have rendered math formula in Tiddler’s title?

It may be better to look into using the caption field (or another field) since the title is the key to the tiddler. Then using a method to display the caption in place of the title when it exists. I have a solution for this.

  • If not from Katex (I don’t use it) you may be able to use Unicode as well.

In this alt-title package set the alt-title field on a tiddler and it will be displayed in the view template instead.

alt-title-display.json (775 Bytes)

  • Try copy and pasting the katex you want to use as the alt-title and see if it works.

Thanks, but the caption is still not rendered in this case. I think the problem is probably that the katex plugin just doesn’t render Title at all?

The unicode solution is also very limited due to its capacity for displaying various math content

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At the moment there is no “out of the box” way to achieve this behaviour. … It will also cause all sorts of problems for the search function, since you would need to type the text-formular to find a tiddler title.

As Tony wrote, It may be better to use a different field and create some templates, that are shown in various places. … BUT it will be a lot of work, since you may need many new templates for all sort TW UI elements. eg: lists, table of content, search results … and so on

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