[Kara] Changing order of interstitial items?

Currently tinkering with the internals of the interstitial portion of the kara plugin and wanted to know if there was a way to change the order at which new notes/items are added to the list.

So, basically instead of:

* Entry added 1st
* Entry added 2nd
* Entry added 3rd

Changing it to:

* Entry added 3rd
* Entry added 2nd
* Entry added 1st

Gotta say, Kara is quickly becoming my favorite plugin of this year, being that I can adjust it to how I like, such as different time formats, different text tags (I changed mine from <strong> to <small class="tc-muted">) and having it save to the tiddler body rather than a json tiddler is just really convient :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hi Justin,
It is possible. Please read the Kara tutorial. It says

<<interstitial tiddler:"" showInput:"" focus:"yes" mode:"">>

Note that, the order of saving data in tiddler is as before, last is last, but the UI can display notes in reverse order if you like.

Still if you like to save data in reverse order, then you need to hack the code.

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Ahh, ya know what, I read the tutorial only for the todo list mode, so I didn’t know that the interstitial mode had reverse instead of sort, thank you for pointing that out to me :sweat_smile:

Edit: Actually, I’m fine with this, thank you for making Kara :grin:

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Custom Time Formatting for Kara Plugin Interstital Journal?