Json tiddlers in filters whose tiddler name is a variable/parameter

Hello all,

Inside a filter, is there a way of referencing a json tiddler via a variable/without hardcoding its tiddler name in the filter?

What I have, and works, is code like [{some-json-tiddler}jsonget[key-name]]; but what I want is something like the following:

<$set name="tidname" value="some-json-tiddler">

or something similar, that allows me to parameterize which json tiddler I want to process in the filter code.

I know I could achieve what I want using macros (:see_no_evil:), but, … is there any other (cleaner?) way of achieving this?


have you tried:



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I had not; in hindsight, it’s so obvious :smiley: . Thanks!