It's all Greek, or not...svg question

The other day I did a diagram in inkscape, labeled the angle with a b and changed the font to Greek to get a nice beta.

I’ve just noticed that it displays as a b in my wiki and on a direct link!

Any svg wizardry I can invoke?

(could also be error at keyboard as I can’t check the original file till after the weekend)

Hi @Ste_W,

I tried something similar with Inkscape and the resulting SVG (I chose export → plain SVG) does contain the “D050000L” font definition I used ("...;font-family:D050000L;...), and once imported, the SVG displays perfectly in a TW wiki.
[edit] Your SVG also contains the right “GreekC” font definition.[/edit]
So the issue you’re facing might come from the lack of the GreekC font on your current terminal.
Is it installed ?


Nowadays most current fonts embed ancient Greek characters, so you’d have better luck using these glyphs than relying on the font to display a character like another: b is different than β.

But entering special glyphs might be tedious. You can use a “charmap” external app for this, for example KDE’s excellent KCharSelect tool, which allows searching for glyph names like “beta”.

If you often create diagrams with special characters, you can also create once an Inkscape diagram template containing useful characters and use them with copy/paste.

And, TiddlyWiki being a convenient Swiss knife, you could also create in one of your wikis an Inkscape companion tiddler containing a list of buttons, each one copying a special character to the clipboard…

Although following code doesn’t use clipboard (it provides an editor toolbar button), you might find it useful for symbols gathering and presentation in button lists.
emojis-edit-toolbar.json (1.7 KB)
As far as I can remember, the config tiddler contains lists of space separated emojis (ie. symbols) and this tiddler is processed in order to present it as a list of buttons in a dropdown (see tiddler named …-dropdown).



Last but not least: here’s a modified file with a β instead of a “b”, which works here without the GreekC font.
Unluckily Talk won’t allow SVG files upload, so it’s embedded in a tiddler.

Friction on inclined plane beta.svg.json (6.8 KB)


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If there is only one or two occurrences of a special character then it would probably be easiest in Inkscape to highlight the Beta character and chose menu option “Object to Path” - then your text will be stored as spline curves and have no further need of the font information so if you wish to save space you would ensure that the font is not stored with the image. If you want the option to edit as a font at a future date then you could simply save two SVG files. I suspect for one Beta character it will be more efficient space wise to convert to splines - if on the other hand you have a lot of repetition of the same characters then at some point it will be more efficient space wise to use the font.