Issue with "Two columns of tiddlers"

Hello forum,

any ideas, why no effect is shown when changing slider for

  • “Left column to right columnwidth ratio”
  • “Right column font-size”

Plugin already removed and reinstalled from Documenting TW — a non-linear personal web notebook

Thanks for feedback

I am not sure but I think it could be that unless the screen is wide enough tiddlywiki is responsive to screen size and defeats the changes you are trying to make.

Is it still a problem on a wide screen, and zoomed out?


I tried it with an empty wiki → ok

→ screen size is not the reason

The Stories plugin was packaged specifically for Stroll. It is not recommended for use in other contexts. In particular using it in any wiki with customized layout or CSS will require extensive CSS adaptation.

I tried the multi column feature yesterday. It works fine, but ended up causing too many problems with other set appearances.

Now I can’t find how to put it back to single column! Looked 3+ times through every gd line.

help plz

edit: I did also make numerous other changes (I’m new to tiddlers) so it could be a conflict with plugins or so…

As @saqimtiaz wrote:

“The Stories plugin was packaged specifically for Stroll. It is not recommended for use in other contexts. In particular using it in any wiki with customized layout or CSS will require extensive CSS adaptation.”

You can remove the installed plugin again.
If it doesn’t help, you can disable your plugins one by one to see, if you get rid of it.

BTW: If you make changes, always backup your system before!

I probably wasn’t clear enough, I just want to know where to look to find the option for single or 2 columns so I can revert the selection.

I don’t have the ‘Stories’ plugin, AFAIK.

In my Wiki I can do this with a click on the arrow:

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That’s pretty cool.

I found it late last night - it was in the plugin “Shiraz” which came with the “Mehregan” edition I had settled on a couple days ago.

I didn’t realize until too late that this thread was focused on the ‘Stories’ plugin.

@JN33 you can use this button shared by @Brian_Radspinner to change the number of columns of tiddler contents (based on Shiraz)

Edit: I think I misread your comment. I thought it was for multicolumn layout of tiddler, while what you were asking was multicolumn layout of story river

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Check this wiki and this tiddler.
I have made a button image to toggle between the shiraz multicolumn storyriver and normal storyriver (It is based on this solution provided by @EricShulman)

Is this what you were looking for ?