Is this wiki able to save? which universe are we in?

Some wikis I use like I can’t save to, others such as tiddlyhost site I can and others I cannot. Most of my file wikis can save automatically or with a click because Timimi is active.

Unfortunately we only know a wiki can save once it does, and this includes a download which may technically be saved, but it is not really as we created a new wiki.

I just want to put it out there is there a way we can attempt a save automaticaly, perhaps even just a small test file? Then store if the wiki has a working saver other than download?

Being able to determine if a wiki can be saved can be used to determin some indicators and behaviours like move the save button behind the more dropdown, and possibly even warn the user that he/she can’t save this wiki without making a copy.

  • Sure to install this I or someone would first have to save this feature in the read only wiki.
  • Or install perhaps via bookmarklet, my tool which then tells me it can’t save.
  • The worst case maybe if I flag the wiki as savable, but how do I know this is for me and not for others looking at the same wiki?

For those wikis that can save I may add some additional features such as detecting if the wiki is already open and other smart responses such as putting it in a read only state unless requested.

Here I am trying to think outside the tiddlywiki box and think of tiddlywiki as existing in a local or a universal space.

Can you query $:/status/IsReadOnly or $:/status/IsLoggedIn tiddlers in your various configurations? I know tiddlyhost has $:/status/IsReadOnly and my node versions have both.

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Good lead, I think this goes a long way but maybe not comprehensively.

TiddlyHosty says $:/status/IsLoggedIn yes

but sets neither

A tiddlyhost I dont own says;

  • $:/status/IsLoggedIn no
    ( p[erhaps I could set this to yes on my file wikis, but not lan

A file wiki I can save with timimi is also empty for both

  • But at least here I may be able to indicate this
  • However it’s a different story if on the Local netwok.

I will just add

  • We may be able to use the wikis dirty state along with loaded $:/info/startup-timestamp and last saved time-stamps (if it existed). I just wish we could make all savers (not download or local storage) set a saved time-stamp only on success, regardless of which saver was used, even on node. Then we could see that a successful save has occurred and know its writable.
  • I could assume a file wiki is savable, but this is a problem assuming this on a LAN

This is great, I had no idea such a thing is already implemented.
I wanted to do some conditional info or conditional hiding of save button if not logged in to TH. I will sometimes start working on one of my public TH wikis, only to discover later that I’m not logged. It’s not so bad, since I can log in in another tab and then save without problems, but I would feel more comfortable knowing it beforehand.

I wonder if it makes sense to do something like that for all public TH wikis by default. It would perhaps even make sense for private wikis to handle those cases where the site is still displayed, but the session has expired/ user has been logged out in the meantime.
Perhaps it would be best as a plugin, I guess any modifications to system tiddlers in TH are better to be avoided if possible.
If one is not logged in, the save button will not do anything but display the error message anyway. But probably that’s a thing for a separate discussion.

  • perhaps lets mention @simon since he may be interested?

FYI you can login in to tiddlyhost, in another tab and the save again.