Is There Subtiddler in Tiddlywiki?

I have read somewhere, tiddler, subtiddler?
Does we have subtiddler? What is its purpose?

TiddlyWiki uses the word “subtiddler” to refer to an individual tiddler packaged within a plugin tiddler.

Note that all shadow tiddlers are made up of subtiddlers, but not all subtiddlers comprise shadow tiddlers (for example, the $:/Import tiddler is a plugin with the incoming tiddlers stored as subtiddlers, but they are not made available as shadow tiddlers).


Hi Jeremy!
Your explanations are much appreciated! Now it is clear to me why Tiddlywiki uses the term: subtiddler!

I would just add that excluding the formal meaning of subtiddler the use of “sub tiddler” simply to describe a tiddler within a json tiddler like import or tiddlers included in a compound tiddler such as on made of transcluded tiddler seems to me also and acceptable use so it always helpful to say what kind of sub tiddler you are refering to.

Plain english does this as well such as suburban vs urban.

So in answer to your question and in light of jeremys answer @atronoush what kind of subtiddler are you looking for?

As jeremy is want to remind us the tiddler is tiddlywikis atomic unit but we are free to construct other virtual or logical units bigger like molecules or smaller like logical subtiddlers, but we do this using tiddlers.