Is there a way to transclude a field when using the split operator?

In my fields I will be using wikitext such as //...//, ''...'', and __...__.

<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>fields[]prefix[fieldname]]" variable="thisfield">
  <$transclude field={{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[1]] }}}/>
  <$transclude field={{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[2]] }}}/>

If what you mean by transclude is you want the result wikified to process the wiki text you can use the wikfy widget if nessasary. However if you just display the result it is often automaticaly wikified.

Just remove the tranclude statements and try.

 {{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[1]] }}}<br>
 {{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[2]] }}}

The tripple curly braces are infact “filtered transcludes”. If you want the original unwikified to can put the filtered transclusion in a text widget.

<$text text={{{ }}}/>

Wikifying the text is exactly what I want to do. I have been looking at the <$wikify> widget, and I can’t figure out how it works.

I have tried:

<$wikify text={{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[1]] }}}/>
<$wikify text={{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[2]] }}}/>

I also tried:

<$wikfiy><$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[1]] }}}/></$wikify>
<$wikify><$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[2]] }}}/></$wikify>

Try this ^ inside your list, you said you wanted wikified not text.

This code keeps turning into a link when I put it inside the <$list> widget:

{{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[1]] }}}<br>
{{{ [<currentTiddler>get<thisfield>split[@]nth[2]] }}}

I figure it out using the <$vars> widget:

<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>fields[]prefix[fieldname]]" variable="thisfield">
  <$set name="var1" value={{{ [all[current]get<thisfield>split[@]nth[1]] }}}>
  <$set name="var2" value={{{ [all[current]get<thisfield>split[@]nth[2]] }}}>
    <span style="float: right"><<var2>></span>

To make sense of your requirement can you share an example of the field contents?

My fields look like this, with the term “Enterprise” in between //...//:

log-entry-1: Captain James T. Kirk@Captain's log, Stardate: 1514.1. The //Enterprise// is in tow; to this point, no resistance has been offered. My plan: a show of resignation. Balok's tractor beam has to be a heavy drain of power on a small ship. Question: Will he grow careless?
log-entry-2: Mr. Spock@Captain's log, stardate: 1673.1, entry made by First Officer Spock. Captain Kirk retains command of this vessel, but his force of will rapidly fading. Condition of landing party critical. Transporter unit still under repair.

Which should be parsed like this:

<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>fields[]prefix[log-entry]]" variable="entry">    
  <$set name="log" value={{{ [all[current]get<entry>split[@]nth[2]] }}}>
    <span class="tta-entry">"<<log>>"</span>
  <$set name="author" value={{{ [all[current]get<entry>split[@]nth[1]] }}}>
    <span class="tta-author">~ <<author>></span>

Add some CSS:

.tta-entry, .tta-author {
  display: block;
.tta-entry {
  font-style: italic;
  text-align: justify;
.tta-entry em {
  font-style: normal;
.tta-author {
  text-align: right;

Expected output, where the term “Enterprise” is not in italics, but the rest is:

"Captain’s log, Stardate: 1514.1. The Enterprise is in tow; to this point, no resistance has been offered. My plan: a show of resignation. Balok’s tractor beam has to be a heavy drain of power on a small ship. Question: Will he grow careless?"
~ Captain James T. Kirk <! - - aligned to the right - - >

“Captain’s log, stardate: 1673.1, entry made by First Officer Spock. Captain Kirk retains command of this vessel, but his force of will rapidly fading. Condition of landing party critical. Transporter unit still under repair.”
~ Mr. Spock <! - - aligned to the right - - >