Hello all!
I’m aware of the <..currentTiddler>
tiddler to access the tiddler outside a filter run, but I’m curious if there is a way to access what I call herein the “root” tiddler; meaning the tiddler that is the very first parent tiddler holding potentially several levels deep of transclusions of other tiddlers, and that isn’t displayed as a child in another. For example:
Tiddler ϱ (“root” tiddler)
|_ Calls a list of Tiddlers 1 to #
|_ each Tiddler 1 to n displays via a Filter another list of Tiddlers a to z
If I’m not mistaken, in the Tiddlers a to z, the filter considers <currentTiddler>
to be the Tiddler being currently iterated upon by the list filter, then <..currentTiddler>
would be the Tiddler 1 to # from where the list is called.
Is there a global variable in TW, or any mechanism for that matter, that can go up the chain of transclusions all the way to the “root” tiddler?