Is there a category for fundamentals?

In it’s way Discourse throws up interesting stuff like this (in light blue) …

… though it’s English is poor. [Light blue bit] “Where this thread should be put?” would be better as “Where should this thread be put?

My point? That thread is about a central issue on provision of tools to end users as a basic thing. Easily.

Do we need a category for “Fundamentals”?

What I am asking about is how this Discourse can better support focus, sometimes, on initiatives that solve big issues like how to find add-ins.

Just an early thought.

That’s a staff/moderator message. Not sure who the author is.

How can Discourse be used? Put work into curation, volunteer to run a new category, find content and organize it.

Mostly — people need to commit to taking on a project and have a group of 2-3 to execute on it.

There are lots of slightly different ways to achieve this and people willing to help with forum settings.


I think you are talking about “Resources”. A solution would be change the name of “Tips&Tricks” and its description, then we have a opened place to contribution of different kind of resources, with the exception of the plugins.

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