Is the type "text/html" suposed to work just like an HTML file?

Let’s say that I create an HTML page in a single file using HTML, Javascript and CSS. Just like this jsfiddle page

Well, this page works fine on my computer as an HTML file… And it works fine on jsfiddle as well. However, if I try to put this HTML code inside a tiddler with the type text/html I get the following result:

I’d like to be able of creating some web pages inside my tiddlers. I have seen that it’s possible to set the type text/html inside a tiddler, but even though the HTML created with this type works with simple cases, it doesn’t work when I create more complex pages with javascript libraries declared in it. Is it possible to make a tiddler display the webpage from an HTML code that is inside the tiddler? Or did I get it wrong and the type text/html is not supposed to be used like that? :thinking:

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G’day Rafael,

If you don’t mind a little trickery, consider using an iframe to display html+css+javascript code.

Something like Just a goofy thought: a way to get javascript into a Tiddler.

If you put the HTML code in a tiddler, say a tiddler called “Fiddle”, with the type set to text/html.

Then have another tiddler, say “Fiddle Viewer”, with the following content:

<iframe srcdoc={{Fiddle!!text}}
 style="border:none;width:100%; height:500px;">
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Thanks for the detailed explanation!

You were right, actually using an iframe with jsfiddle worked better for my case. Since there I have syntax highlight and more specific functionalities for web development… So using:

<iframe width="100%" height="300" src="//,js,html,css/light/" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allowpaymentrequest frameborder="0"></iframe>

I got:

Good stuff !

You can definitely put any kind of HTML (well, HTML elements) and CSS in any tiddler, but not javascript.

The only advantage of embedding the HTML+CSS+javascript right in a tiddler would be for off-line viewing of that content. Or the content from the external site does not allow embedding in an iframe.

Cheers !

It sounds like you’re running into the HTML sandbox protections. See here for how to turn it off:

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