Is it possible to scroll X amount of pixels using tm-scroll in a scrollable container?

I want to create two buttons. Each should scroll sideways in a <$scrollable> container. They should scroll an X amount of pixels depending on the width of the container -10px. Is it possible to do this in a <$scrollable> container?

I am currently looking at $:/core/modules/widgets/scrollable.js.

I am specifically looking at this part of the code:

        var getEndPos = function(targetPos,targetSize,currentPos,currentSize) {
			// If the target is already visible then stay where we are
			if(targetPos >= currentPos && (targetPos + targetSize) <= (currentPos + currentSize)) {
				return currentPos;
			// If the target is above/left of the current view, then scroll to its top/left
			} else if(targetPos <= currentPos) {
				return targetPos;
			// If the target is smaller than the window and the scroll position is too far up, then scroll till the target is at the bottom of the window
			} else if(targetSize < currentSize && currentPos < (targetPos + targetSize - currentSize)) {
				return targetPos + targetSize - currentSize;
			// If the target is big, then just scroll to the top
			} else if(currentPos < targetPos) {
				return targetPos;
			// Otherwise, stay where we are
			} else {
				return currentPos;

This is making me wonder if I could create a new function or macro where I could use currentPos and subtract or add this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth depending on the button.

I was thinking of something like this:

return currentPos - this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth // to scroll left
return currentPos + this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth // to scroll right

I changed:

return currentPos - this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth // to scroll left
return currentPos + this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth // to scroll right


return currentPos - currentSize // to scroll left
return currentPos + currentSize // to scroll right

I have tested this part of the code, and it worked on targetPos and currentPos. I just need to find a way to call currentPos and targetSize without the need of a CSS selector.

I suggest taking a step back and explaining your actual use case, ideally with an example.

I want a “scroll left” and “scroll right” buttons that would work inside a <$scrollable> container.

Below is a sample image of my project on TWC, which works just fine with JavaScript. In the upper-right corner are the buttons that I want:

This graphic shows the buttons. They scroll left and right depending on the size of the container:
scroller buttons

If the container was 200px and you wanted to scroll left, it would go left 190px, and the same thing if you were to scroll right.

Here is a link to the JSFiddle file that does exactly what I want, but is programmed in JavaScript. I just don’t know how to do with TW5 and was hoping that tm-scroll would have a solution.

If you dont need animation you can do that with html anchor :

It’s also possible to use CSS to achieve a similar result with smooth transition :

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I got this work as intended, but I had to hijack the code in $:/core/modules/widgets/scrollable.js to make this work like this:

title: $:/core/modules/widgets/scrollable.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: widget

Scrollable widget


/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";

var Widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget;

This is where I needed to create a global variable so that, it can be accessed within the entire module. The “direction” variable is defined as “none” so that tm-scroll can be used for it’s original purpose:

+var direction = "none"; //later will be defined with "left" or "right" if needed.

var ScrollableWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {

Inherit from the base widget class
ScrollableWidget.prototype = new Widget();
ScrollableWidget.prototype.cancelScroll = function() {
	if(this.idRequestFrame) {,this.idRequestFrame);
		this.idRequestFrame = null;

Handle a scroll event
ScrollableWidget.prototype.handleScrollEvent = function(event) {
	// Pass the scroll event through if our offsetsize is larger than our scrollsize
	if(this.outerDomNode.scrollWidth <= this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth && this.outerDomNode.scrollHeight <= this.outerDomNode.offsetHeight && this.fallthrough === "yes") {
		return true;
	var options = {};
	if($tw.utils.hop(event.paramObject,"animationDuration")) {
		options.animationDuration = event.paramObject.animationDuration;
	if(event.paramObject && event.paramObject.selector) {

I added an if statement here so I can define the “direction” variable:

		+if (event.paramObject.selector == "#left" || event.paramObject.selector == "#right") {
		+	direction = event.paramObject.selector;
	} else {
	return false; // Handled event

Scroll an element into view
ScrollableWidget.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(element,callback,options) {
	var duration = $tw.utils.hop(options,"animationDuration") ? parseInt(options.animationDuration) : $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),
		srcWindow = element ? element.ownerDocument.defaultView : window;
	this.startTime =;
	var scrollPosition = {
		x: this.outerDomNode.scrollLeft,
		y: this.outerDomNode.scrollTop
	// Get the client bounds of the element and adjust by the scroll position
	var scrollableBounds = this.outerDomNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
		clientTargetBounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
		bounds = {
			left: clientTargetBounds.left + scrollPosition.x - scrollableBounds.left,
			top: + scrollPosition.y -,
			width: clientTargetBounds.width,
			height: clientTargetBounds.height
	// We'll consider the horizontal and vertical scroll directions separately via this function
	var getEndPos = function(targetPos,targetSize,currentPos,currentSize) {

This is the part where I was looking at earlier. I added another if statement here. This will scroll left or right for the width of the container. Also everything was changed to “targetPos”:

		+if (direction == "#left") {
		+	return currentPos = currentPos - currentSize;
		+else if (direction == "#right") {
		+	return currentPos = currentPos + currentSize;
		+else {
			// If the target is already visible then stay where we are
			if(targetPos >= currentPos && (targetPos + targetSize) <= (currentPos + currentSize)) {
				return targetPos;
			// If the target is above/left of the current view, then scroll to its top/left
			} else if(targetPos <= currentPos) {
				return targetPos;
			// If the target is smaller than the window and the scroll position is too far up, then scroll till the target is at the bottom of the window
			} else if(targetSize < currentSize && currentPos < (targetPos + targetSize - currentSize)) {
				return targetPos + targetSize - currentSize;
			// If the target is big, then just scroll to the top
			} else if(currentPos < targetPos) {
				return targetPos;
			// Otherwise, stay where we are
			} else {
				return targetPos;
	endX = getEndPos(bounds.left,bounds.width,scrollPosition.x,this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth),
	endY = getEndPos(,bounds.height,scrollPosition.y,this.outerDomNode.offsetHeight);
	// Only scroll if necessary
	if(endX !== scrollPosition.x || endY !== scrollPosition.y) {
		var self = this,
		drawFrame = function () {
                        /* last line code is added here */

Finally, I needed to reset “direction” back to “none”, otherwise tm-scroll would be could not be used for it’s original purpose:

			+direction = "none";
			var t;
			if(duration <= 0) {
				t = 1;
			} else {
				t = (( - self.startTime) / duration;
			if(t >= 1) {
				t = 1;
			t = $tw.utils.slowInSlowOut(t);
			self.outerDomNode.scrollLeft = scrollPosition.x + (endX - scrollPosition.x) * t;
			self.outerDomNode.scrollTop = scrollPosition.y + (endY - scrollPosition.y) * t;
			if(t < 1) {
				self.idRequestFrame =,drawFrame);

ScrollableWidget.prototype.scrollSelectorIntoView = function(baseElement,selector,callback,options) {
	baseElement = baseElement || document.body;
	var element = baseElement.querySelector(selector);
	if(element) {

Render this widget into the DOM
ScrollableWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {
	var self = this;
	this.scaleFactor = 1;
		{type: "tm-scroll", handler: "handleScrollEvent"}
	if($tw.browser) {
		this.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
			window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
			window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
			function(callback) {
				return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60);
		this.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame ||
			window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||
			window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
			window.mozCancelAnimationFrame ||
			window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
			function(id) {
	// Remember parent
	this.parentDomNode = parent;
	// Compute attributes and execute state
	// Create elements
	this.outerDomNode = this.document.createElement("div");
		{webkitOverflowScrolling: "touch"}
	this.innerDomNode = this.document.createElement("div");
	// Assign classes
	this.outerDomNode.className = this["class"] || "";
	// Insert element

Compute the internal state of the widget
ScrollableWidget.prototype.execute = function() {
	// Get attributes
	this.fallthrough = this.getAttribute("fallthrough","yes");
	this["class"] = this.getAttribute("class");
	// Make child widgets

Selectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering
ScrollableWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {
	var changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();
	if(changedAttributes["class"]) {
		return true;
	return this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);

exports.scrollable = ScrollableWidget;


Then the code I used in the tiddler with the <$scrollable> container, where I had to add two div tags with the ids “left” and “right”, otherwise the widget wouldn’t function if it had nothing to find. They are just there as a placeholder. Then I just needed to make sure the values of the two buttons needed were set to “#left” and “#right”:

<$scrollable id="tta-timeline" class="tta-timeline">
	<div id="left"/>
	<div id="right"/>
	<div class="tta-timeline-controls">
		<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-scroll" $name="selector" $value="#left" animationDuration="1000"/>
		<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-scroll" $name="selector" $value={{{ [<storyTiddler>get[tiddler-id]addprefix[#]] }}} animationDuration="1000"/>
		<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-scroll" $name="selector" $value="#right" animationDuration="1000"/>

Now, I am wondering how I can position: fixed my buttons inside the <$scrollable> container.


Hi, @RedAsset
can I build a button to scroll-down one screen with the js ?
And can I build a shortkey to do this?
By the way what is the tta-timeline? This also sound very interesting to me.

Hi @JanJo since the OP we’ve extended the scrollable widget. I’ve expanded one of the examples in the <$scrollable> widget docs to add buttons to scroll up/down by a fixed amount. The update will be live in 5-10 minutes at the end of this tiddler: