Is it possible to make the title of a tiddler become a link by putting a special tag such as "Terms" on a tiddler?

I gathered a group of articles in a TiddlyWiki. There are some terms that have the same meaning in each article. I have to recognize each term in every article to add [[...]] outside of each term. However, it is easy to forget or omit one. It would be helpful if I put a term into a tiddler and then put a special tag. Could I do the job this way while not using the official plugin “freelink” since it will cause the performance issue?

Maybe there’s a way to improve the performance of freelink (which I’ve never used.) But, at a guess, it would be difficult to make this activity speedy. The trouble is that on parsing/wikifying your tiddler text, you will also have to search it to see if any of your matching terms is included. With one or two search terms, this probably wouldn’t be a problem, but with many, it’s simply likely to take time. I’d love to be proven wrong.

If these terms happen to be in CamelCase, or if it would be feasible to convert them to camel case (search and replace in TW html file in an external text editor is the quickest simplest idea I have), then you could enable camel case linking in TW settings. This would have no performance penalty.

More info on camel case linking here. Note that this documentation piece is a bit outdated. In recent TW versions the camel case linking is off by default and has to be enabled manually.

Of course, if you would have to resort to search-and-replace on the whole TW contents to convert the terms to camel case, you could just as well use this method to introduce the square brackets for links.

The Freelinks plugin does let you restrict by tag, actually! I believe it should be an option in the plugin settings. See this thread in the old Google Group for reference.

If you only enable free links at the time you want to investigate these relationships then “hard code the links/synonyms” the performance impact is low.

  • I have wondered if freelinks could have an option, manual or automatic, to replace the titles it finds with [[title found as tiddler]]

Its well worth looking at @pmario’s uni-link and alias solution for this kind of meta links.

@likuan61 I expect there are a few different approaches to this in tiddlywiki, so keep an open mind and exploring before you make a final decision.

  • It seems to me if you are going to tag something, you could just have scanned through and wrapped a few terms in [[ term ]] leaving it as a missing tiddler to be addressed later.
  • However much more advanced language tools can be implemented in tiddlywiki to find less common words and prompt them to be added to a glossary or as synonyms and having the user do this is one way to explore your own content in depth.
  • Another way, rather than turning terms into links where they are found is to add them as links or entries in a dedicated tiddler such as “glossary” then you can use the glossary, they become missing tiddlers found in the Glossary, then set up searches to find them, or create a tiddler so they can also be seen with Freelinks.
    • I winder if freelinks can see missing tiddlers? It could be made to. if not.

As Tony wrote. The uni-link plugin “aliases” functionality may be an option.


@Scott_Sauyet @TW_Tones @etardiff @pmario @vilc Many thanks for your valuable guidance.

I guess the process of a link will be initiated from the “linked” tiddler rather than the “linking” tiddler. Therefore, if a tool can be used to identify potential words that need to be linked and then confirmed by human beings, the efficiency of using a link mechanism will become easier.

The tool might look like a precompiler of SQL. Does it exist right now?