Is it possible to link to TiddlyWikis MIT License in a plugin

Many Plugins have the same MIT License as TiddlyWiki itself. Would it be possible to add a link to the Core License of TW just by clicking a checkbox in the Plugincreator or some other trick?

TiddlyWiki has “BSD - 3 clause” license -

  • I do add the copyright notice to license tiddler and
  • link to opensource-org’s template: Cheatsheet license

So I do not need to include the text. For some of my plugins the license text would be bigger than the plugin.

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It always was BSD - 3 ? I thouhgt to remember that it was MIT, once.

It has always been BSD - 3 clause since TWclassic. Some 3rd party plugins may be MIT, which is compatible with BSD. MIT license is even less restrictive than BSD.

So you can use every MIT licensed library with a BSD licensed project. The other way around is not possible

If you have a problem with license compatibility, you should contact the author of the project. Sometimes there will be a possibility to arrange something. Discussion licensing problems politely is always an option.