Is it possible to do "what you see is what you get"?

I don’t know how to say. I want to mean, when you make an correction, you will see the outcome at once.

When in Edit Mode, the button that has the closed/open Eye icon will toggle a Preview Pane that will render the text-field of the current tiddler-being-edited.

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One of the oldest, and thus proven approaches is bj’s visual editor. However, your text is stored as HTML, not wikitext. It also takes a little bit of concentration to get it set up right.

There’s also a new demo by linonetwo here.


I would add for many WYSIWYG seems essential when first learning about TiddlyWiki because they have not yet mastered Wiki Mark-up however wiki mark-up is a form of “Shorthand”.

Along with preview a number of “inline edit tools” such as streams/Section editor etc… keep most of the content in a formatted mode, only the currently edited item is in the editor.

If you have edited Wikipedia or most wikis this is a common approach because more can be achieved from the keyboard and without shortcut keys or mouse menus. It also allows the use of other features of tiddlywiki you can get from widgets and macros, unfortunately most WYSIWYG editors do not allow these advanced features.

But you can also

  • Use WYSIWYG on selected tiddlers
  • Use other tools to generate WYSIWYG content and import HTM or PDF versions to tiddlywiki.
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Hi, see my post Demo of a new WYSIWYG editor: slate-write (unstable alpha stage) it is beta now. It is powerful and extensible because it uses ReactJS (and it makes it big… 3MB, so only use it on your local wiki)

And my design decisions in How to deal with wikitext like widget, macro in WYSIWYG editor?

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