Introduction to the Tour Plugin

Hi @jeremyruston,

Thx, the documentation in the upodated wiki is better as in the empty one I downloaded.

I found a bug.
In the case that the story view is set to zoomin the navigator view is not working well.

I put all the details in this topoic Change “Story View Mode” before NavigatorWidget - Discussion - Talk TW (

In the meantime I will use the tour also :wink:


Hi @jeremyruston,

I like your tour plugin. Actaully I am developing some kind of interactive training with the huge benefit to reuse the content and in case of change to have them available also in the trainings.

My special question:
Where I can change the width of the tour content?

Are there any other ideas for interactive possibilities apart from those in the examples?

Thank you in advance


The tour button is really great.

How do I have to configure the tour start button in order to start a specific tour? I have for instance written an introduction to a new topic and the user should start a tour to get more information. The button in the upper right corner always starts the latest tour I think.

Thanks for your help!