Internet Archive copy of TiddlyWiki gives an error

When I archive my TiddlyWiki on I get the following error:

Has anyone seen this and know how to fix it?

can you give the url?

It is likely the same as for every instance of at the wayback machine.

For example: TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

I’d place my bets on TiddlyWiki not liking the URL.

Safari gives the slightly more detailed error message “TypeError: Can only call Window.requestAnimationFrame on instances of Window”, suggesting that the core is being insufficiently defensive in the way it invokes window.requestAnimationFrame.

If I remove the ‘Animation duration’ in the control panel the problem goes away. (in firefox)

@jeremyruston … It seems the problem started with v5.1.22 - v5.1.21 works well at archive-org

I see problems back to 5.1.18

waybackmachine is adding some js to the tiddlywiki.html, I see GitHub - webrecorder/wombat: Wombat.js client-side rewriting library being used to modify link behavior, there are wombat modifications to


This started to be used in place of window in the scroller in version 5.1.18

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Unfortunately no, because that’d deanonymize me.

How can I check what version of TiddlyWiki mine is? (I’m sure it’s old, I’ve never updated it or anything like that since I don’t know how.)

I would suggest setting the the animation duration to zero:

you could try detecting the webarchive address and conditionally setting the animation rate to 0:

put this is a tiddler

<$reveal type="match"  state="$:/info/url/hostname" text="""""">
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/AnimationDuration" $value="0"/>

and tag it


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