Intermittent Javascript errors, troubleshooting RSOD

I’m sure I’ve seen tips from pros on this before, but a quick search isn’t coming up with clear advice.

When RSODs have begun happening intermittently in a complex wiki, but not reproducibly (not “whenever I open this tiddler”, nor “whenever I save”, nothing diagnostically helpful like that, etc.) – and it’s not easy to reconstruct whether/when a new plugin or macro introduced the problem – what can be done there and then (at the RSOD error moment) to get some clues as to the ingredients involved in the mischief?

If I had all the time in the world, I’d do the equivalent of a methodical “elimination diet” … but since the errors are intermittent and not predictable, I have no confidence about how long to test with a particular safe / partial setup before concluding that I can count any given working subset as innocent…


When an RSOD occurs, open your browser’s “Developer Tools” (in Chrome, right-click, and select “Inspect” or press ctrl-shift-i). Then view the “Console” panel in the Developer Tools window. This should show a javascript “stack trace” that may provide clues as to which code was responsible for triggering the RSOD.

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