Interesting wikis I recently found while browsing tiddlyhost

Devius Ex Machina — MAX DIMO (

Intringuing story and cool layouts tweaks !

Programing Notes 101 — A place to keep my notes (

I like that setup for taking notes a lot.

fantasypunk — a role-playing game about a group of outcasts undergoing wondrous yet perilous adventures together (

a role-playing game about a group of outcasts undergoing wondrous yet perilous adventures together

CampaignWiki — tools for ttrpg gamemasters (

I’m sure this will be handy when I start DM’ing again :grin:

What interesting wikis have you discovered recently?


Thank you for sharing!
Nice wikis.

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Hey thanks! I’ve been a long time lurker/enthusiast for TiddlyWiki and have been using it for documenting my stories for a long time, first time I’ve used TiddlyHost for sharing them though. Glad you enjoy it! I’ve hidden some fun things throughout the site too :smile:

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