Installing Codemirror 6

Can anyone detail how to install codemirror 6? I’m usually pretty adept at these things but I can’t get this plugin to work. I’m getting errors like this when going to edit a tiddler.

\function edit-preview-state() [{$:/config/ShowEditPreview/PerTiddler}!match[yes]then[$:/state/showeditpreview]] :else[<qualify "$:/state/showeditpreview">] +[get[text]] :elseno \end \define config-visibility-title() $:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$(currentTiddler)$ \end \define importFileActions() \end \whitespace trim

among other things.

Hello @belmont224,

drag and drop the plugin into your wiki and don’t forget to set for each relevant Mime-Type the editor to “codemirror-6”

Hi @belmont224 - from where are you getting the plugin?

If you use my version of the plugin you should use the version you find on the TiddlyFlex page, which is the most recent version. If you’re using @oeyoews plugin, maybe he can tell you what’s going on

In fact, I don’t understand what kind of error this is describing. There is too little effective information.

The codemirror6 plugin is available out of the box, except that it requires drag and drop installation.

The syntax you are using is all on one line and invalid as a result. It is not an error message.

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Which version of TW do you use? Go to your $:/ControlPanel → Info tab – It should tell it.

Sorry for the lack of info. I has trying to install the version from @oeyoews. I did the drag and drop thing, changed all the editor types to codemirror-6. I see the plugin’s tab in the control panel, but I get this error when opening/creating a tiddler.

I am using the Notebook theme with TW 5.2.2. I previously had CMPlus installed, but removed it before installing CM 6. I just tried it with a fresh install (using the empty.html file) and it works fine. So there is something leftover in my old wiki that is messing things up. I need the data that is in there so I can’t start over with a fresh wiki.

Now the hunt begins for what is causing the conflict I guess. I’m installing other plugins one by one to see if one of them causes an issue.

The function syntax seems to be unsupported in 5.2.2, you should upgrade your tiddlywiki

I’ve upgraded the wiki to 5.3.3. This takes care of most of the problems. I still get the strange filter error in the toolbar as pictured above. Not sure why yet. I am using version 1.6.22 of CodeMirror 6 plugin.


It seems there is something wrong with this tiddler, you can check it

I wouldn’t spend too much time on it. It is probably something strange on my end.

Hi @belmont224 @oeyoews

In my version of the plugin I have fixed this