In-Line Editing - In Tabs

Hi Folks,

My Goal: To be able to edit (in-line) an “Existing” Tiddler

I use “tabs”

  • image
  • <<tabs "[Tab1]] [[Tab 2]],…>

Within a tab (Tab 1 for example):

  • I want to be able to “edit” the content within,…

I found this link for in-line editing: (showeditor)

I then went here to try and see if I can use this:

I don’t see “how” this works - anyone know how I can edit-inline the “text” part of an existing Tiddler?



That’s an old experiment - I have added those relevant tiddlers into this share demo -you can use it to get that functionality. It is using the view-template cascade feature -

But I don’t know how to get that functionality within tabs

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Thanks @arunnbabu81 - and no worries - it was worth a shot. :innocent:

  • I’ll just add some edit-text-ish stuff to each tiddler and have that be the default when I open the tiddler

Thanks for the links - taking a look now - appreciate it.


Use this in the filter tab of the advanced search of to get all those tiddlers. You can drag and drop from there (using the drag and drop button)

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For completeness - and for newbies,…

Pulling from:

Importing to my TiddlyWiki

After Import:

Using: it,… (will update when I figure it out)

AND,… it works! Boom!

Hoover - to show the “box”:

and in edit mode:


  • Just not inside Tabs — but at least it works in regular Tiddlers - just need to see how to push them in,… :smile:

I found a solution that works: