Improve the horizontal table of content

Hi Experts,
I asked for a solution to have a horizontal table of content here : Table of content horizontal - #6 by stefan_from_germany

and Talk TW - Community discussion forum about TiddlyWiki found a solution.

I do really don’t know how it works what Brian is doing in the macro :flushed: .

For testing I used the macro in with the examples used in the table of content and this was the result.

I have an idea for improvement of this outstanding realisation.
Is there a small chance to change the code in this way that only one table of content is open at the same time?

I press open the First

And if I now open the Second
The First will be closed and the Second opened

Hopefully it is possible ( :wink: maybe also an idea for the standard toc :wink: )

Thx in advance

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