Important Stroll update (12-22-2023)

Hi everyone!

Both the Stroll site and the empty Stroll site have been updated to 5.3.2.

If you use an earlier version of Stroll, you will need to proceed to Stroll — A special kind of TiddlyWiki. and drag the tag pill to your file to update it. Or, if you use node.js, create a json file in Advanced Search > filter with the filter [tag[$:/giffmex/stroll]]. Then import the json file into your Stroll node.js file and save it.

This will get your file ready for updating TiddlyWiki to 5.3.2. It will also remove two problematic features (see the Recent updates tab for info), but will make up for one of them with a new feature.

Blessings to all, and Merry Christmas!


A bit late on updating. I have one question on these instructions: what does it mean to “drag a tag pill to your file”? I think I am missing some key understanding of how to manage my TW. I upgraded to 5.3.3; and I ignored the overwrite messages (FAFO mode)

Simply that if you d-n-d a “tag pill” ALL tiddlers so-tagged will be copied over between TWs.

It is one of the best, least documented, TW basic features.


thanks for the follow-up; much appreciated. i have been away from TW for too long.

IGNORE THIS Q (i answered it myself): one more updating question: the first upgrade using the online upgrade displayed a number of warnings about overwriting core tiddlers. The recommended action is to uncheck all of them before upgrading. Yes?

No, you have to make a call on this. Some solutions, plugins or package of tiddlers do overwrite core tiddlers to achieve their outcomes.

  • At least not the solutions you install that modify the core if you update the core version later, or more than one overwrite occurs.
  • Fortunately if you overwrite a core tiddler with a regular tiddler (not in a plugin) you can edit the tiddler and preview the differences to the core tiddler.

Hi band,

Sorry for the delay in responding. I was out of town from Fri to last night to give a conference, and the airbnb’s Internet wasn’t working.

I am confident you will not have problems if you include the core tiddlers overwritten by Stroll. It used to be that it overwrote $:/core/ui/EditTemplate. Thus I included the warning, because it is an important tiddler more likely to be updated when TiddlyWiki is updated. But as of a few months ago, Stroll no longer overwrites that tiddler. The core tiddlers that Stroll still overwrites should not be problematic when you upgrade TiddlyWiki later.

Dave, thanks for the reply. I will try the upgrade again with your comments in mind. I do not anticipate much ado here on my end.

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I don’t know if this is on purpose, but the plugin for two-columns seems to be untagged with $:/.giffmex/stroll, and so won’t be carried over when converting to Stroll.

Thanks Mark, I’ll have a look.

Sorry if I misunderstand you. But I do not think this is for converting to Stroll. This tagpill is for updating the stroll, that you have - and have upgraded - and now want the latest changes. That worked for me.

I updated both the Stroll and empty.html files with the tag $:/giffmex/stroll added to the tiddler $:/plugins/sq/Stories.

I think a few months ago Saq gave me an update to his plugin in response to a user who had a problem, and I forgot to re-tag it before updating the files and uploading them.