You get a big heart by me but sections seem to be heresy in TW.
There is a link to sections PR for months that I highlighted in my most wanted thread , and transcluding a section would be … inimaginable.
@Mohammad did great work there - but to have the necessary stability for these heretic desires, sections should be named and not numbered.
Well, I don’t want to step on any core tenets of the church, it just occurs to me that what we are talking about,
would be a set of nodes that group around, not the tiddler itself, but an element of the tiddler – we can think of a stream-list as a collection of nodes that has some relationship toward the tiddler itself, and if we take it one step further we can talk about the relationships between these collections within the tiddler – since the natural state for text, as it grows, is to bubble off into smaller pieces, given the “tiddly” part of Tiddly-Wiki
I have had some success with transcluding multiple streamlists into one tiddler, which can all relate to one-another – really, at this point, all that we need is
a better streams/fusion integration
A UI that makes having multiple streamlists embedded in the same tiddler a more natural and less buggy process
My main use of Streams so far has been to ease the slideshow creation process with @Mohammad’s Tamasha. For those who don’t know how it works, each “slide” of a presentation is a tiddler tagged with an identifier of said presentation. To achieve this, I use @linonetwo’s macro version of Streams, as I didn’t find a way to automatically associate a common tag to a bunch of Streams nodes with the original Streams version.
@saqimtiaz A Streams rewrite could be a good idea as far as the “internals” are concerned, but for simple users like me, you may consider implementing a custom parser that would allow, for example, to automatically give a tag to each Streams-created tiddler using a simple syntax (e.g. tag:MyTag at the beginning of the line or whatever). A bit in the vein of what nb does.
@well-noted I’m interested in learning more about your custom menu.
There is a streams configuration, that allows you to define a template-tiddler. If you create such a tiddler eg: stream-template and tag it:test – Every new node will be tagged test
Thank you for the information about this setting in Streams.
However, I don’t think that it really fits with my workflow, as I need to use a different tag for each presentation I make.
Ok, in this case your piece of advice is spot on.
This is not how I do it anyways. Kind of the opposite, actually. I use one big wiki to centralize everything. So presentations are just one of the “outputs”.
Sorry for anyone who’s been waiting for this. Instead, I’ve been toying around with @linonetwo’s outliner, attempting to get it to work with fusion, and implementing bidirectional editing (unfuse), borrowing from the sections code for inspiration:
It’s still a little hinky, but this should at least make clear what I’m thinking and act as a proof of concept
@linonetwo’s choice to have the stream-list for the outliner stored in another tiddler gave me inspiration – that tiddler’s text field is being left unused and, therefore, can hold the fused contents without compromising the nodes, allowing the user to switch between views easily.
I am thinking that by adding an editable title (or conditionally the caption) to a headline of this viewtemplate, we can essentially gain the “streams headlines” functionality that I mentioned above.
@JanJo, will post and tag you as soon as I have something ready to be beta-packaged It works surprisingly well for a kitbash – but it’s definitely still in the proof-of-concept stage.
Ultimately it would need some feedback from others about how the parser should work (for example, I was going to have the parser remove lines that were blank, but then it occurred to me that some people might want blank tiddlers as placeholders, or else to hold field values or tags…
You can see in this example that I am using <br> to indicate node-breaks, in case others would want to have linebreaks within nodes (I don’t usually, myself, however…).
And then, I have no mechanism (yet) for parsing indented nodes - - my first thought it to use *, **, ***, etc. I think that would make it compatible with another of @saqimtiaz’s plugins which I don’t currently use but have looked at.
I spent some time working on this, enough to believe some sort of index specifically for this type of tiddler would work – however, it became obvious to me that it would take time and reflection before I could produce a working example, from which I’m not even sure many streams users would benefit unless it were also paired with something more general like flexible text parsing, so I thought it more sensible to set that aside and start here.
Yes, I have this idea, expose as much feature to be override by \procedure as possible.
I’m not sure is it easy to replace {{||$:/plugins/linonetwo/streams-outliner-lib/templates/stream-root-template}} to <<stream-root-template>>, maybe this kind of transclusion have something special.