Created with a product that makes it easy to collaborate.
A product that makes it easy to not only have access to everything in one place, but integrates everything in one place so that you can see it “all”, “right there,” without having to go to a new browser window/tab.
Something a little bit like what I’ve been working on and continue to work on: BASIC Anywhere Machine portal website, embedding in it blog, forums, TiddlyWiki instances, and all sorts of Google stuff and whatever other stuff that allows embedding.
And then I’m gently reminded by my old sponge:
Grandpa Gustafson’s quote:
Well, you can wish in the one hand and crap in the other and see which gets filled first.
I’ve been wishing for a long time, and I don’t have huge hands, but I’m too stubborn of an old mule to give up that easily.