How to Verify Mastodon using your hosted TW file

Mastodon requires a verification page that is less than 1Mb total. TiddlyWiki has more than 2Mb’s out of the box.

  1. Reduce the size of your host file
  2. Create a tiddler tagged $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopBody
  3. In the tiddler, put your verification link surrounded by back-ticks (`)

`<a rel="me" href="https://myverification/@path">Verification</a>`

  1. Save.

Credit: telumire

Note: When you load there will be a momentary flicker on the screen as your verification link appears on screen. In retrospect, and per the Mastodon docs, it’s probably possible to put this entirely into the header. But I didn’t want to wear out my welcome with Mastodon trying different things.

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Instead of <a> you can use a <link/> element, this way it’s totally invisible :slight_smile:

Also note that putting the verification link in the wiki itself will only work temporarily, up until the wiki reach 1MB. I suggest using a separate html file with iframe (in case js is deactivated) + a js redirect, see Easy way to fix mastodon verification issue (for wiki over 1MB)

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That’s more than enough to for a landing site where you introduce yourself, make news posts, and redirect people to other projects you may have. While researching links for I found lots of sites on tiddlyspot/tiddlyhost that have only 3 or 4 tiddlers, and had been that way for ages.