How to use edit-text widget with fileDrop="yes"?

The documentation for the edit-text widget, in the list of accepted attributes, lists

fileDrop: Introduced in v5.2.0 Optional. When set to “yes” allows dropping or pasting images into the editor to import them. Defaults to “no”

I can’t figure out how to use this feature.

I thought I could write code like <$edit-text tiddler="SomeTiddler" fileDrop="yes"/> and then drag an image file into the created text input box to import it, but apparently that’s not how it works. (Or it’s a bug - just in case, I’m on TW 5.3.3 and using chromium based browsers [TiddlyDesktop and, when messing around in the documentation, Brave].)

Would anyone care to explain this feature?

Thanks in advance!

This facility is available on the standard text/body editor, so you can try it there first, it may need some supporting code tomake it work in other fields.

  • This is used here $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/editor which may help you see how to use it.
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