How to update tiddlywiki in TiddlyServer

The latest post in Mar 22 related to this topic was refering to a TiddlyServer updated to Tiddlywiki 5.2.1
Is there a way / documentation to update tiddlyserver to the latest version of tiddlywiki ?



The documentation here The Getting Started Guide · TiddlyServer


TiddlyServer always exactly specifies the latest version of TiddlyWiki at the time it is published so this will also update the TiddlyWiki version that TiddlyServer uses. This will not affect your global install of TiddlyWiki, as the files are completely separate.

The point being with TiddlyServer running any tiddlywikis served with have the version you install.

  • All you need is the server to run and serve?

Perhaps there is something else?

  • I used to use it a lot, but not lately, so this is from memmory.

Thanks for your answer. I though like you at the begining but I’ve discovered a ‘tiddlywiki-production-client’ behind the node-modules & cannot find in the config file of tiddlyserver where we set that we point to a specific tiddlywiki installation.
I’m lost & confused by the post of last may 22 where the tiddlyserver leader said that he updated his/her solution with the latest version of tiddlywiki (at that time)


If you clone the tiddlywiki-production-client repository, edit the sh script for 5.2.7, and run, then the resulting client and server directories can replace the


directories. Then it runs as 5.2.7 But, this might be “dangerous” in some way, so be sure to have backups.

My problem is that _canonical_uri images are not showing up when used with TW data folders.

It’s not showing _canonical_uri images with either 5.2.1 nor 5.2.7.

Hi, I’m the creator of TiddlyServer. You can set __serverTW in settings.json to the root folder of whatever tiddlywiki installation you want to use. Either the stock tiddlywiki or my tiddlywiki-production-server build will work in that field. I’m looking into a solution for keeping it up to date.

Hi, Arlen.

I ran several tests. Setting __serverTW did not work for me.

TiddlyServer startup output with "__serverTW": "C:/MK/opt64/tw5.2.5":

expected an object with keys "tree","_datafolderclient"?,"_datafolderserver"?,"_datafoldertarget"?,"_devmode"?,"maxTransferRequests"?,"authCookieAge"?,"debugLevel"?,"$schema"?,"bindInfo"?,"authAccounts"?,"putsaver"?,"directoryIndex"?,"controllers"?,"datafolder"? but got ["$schema","tree","authAccounts","bindInfo","putsaver","authCookieAge","maxTransferRequests","debugLevel","_datafolderserver","_datafolderclient","__serverTW"]
Settings file: C:\MK\opt64\TiddlyServer-2.2.0-beta\settings.json
TiddlyWiki: C:\MK\opt64\TiddlyServer-2.2.0-beta\node_modules\tiddlyserver\node_modules\tiddlywiki-production-server
Creating servers as http
Remember that any login credentials are being sent in the clear
 STARTER 2023-06-16 01:30:50 server listening
Open your browser and type in one of the following:

As you can see it was still loading tiddlywiki-production-server from the TiddlyServer installation tree.

It worked setting _datafolderserver.

TiddlyServer startup output with "_datafolderserver": "C:/MK/opt64/tw5.2.5":

Settings file: C:\MK\opt64\TiddlyServer-2.2.0-beta\settings.json
TiddlyWiki: C:\Users\boero\MK\opt64\tw5.2.5
Creating servers as http
Remember that any login credentials are being sent in the clear
 STARTER 2023-06-16 01:42:45 server listening
Open your browser and type in one of the following:

I also remember that with a previous TiddlyServer version I got the same result setting _datafoldertarget, but it looks like if it is not working anymore.

I am running TiddlyServer 2.2 beta on Windows 10 and NodeJS 12.13.0.

Can you please clarify the difference between the different config keys (_datafolderserver, _datafolderclient, _datafoldertarget, __serverTW) or point me to the right documentation page on TiddlyServer site.

Thanks, )+(auloop