How to translink to a tiddler while still getting backlinks to work?

In my tiddler A, i translink to B:

 << translink "B" >>

I really like it that the contents of B are visible right inside A.

However, when I click through to tiddler B and inspect “info > backlinks”, i see:

No tiddlers link to this one

I am looking for an alternative to translink that has the same presentation, but is also recognised when backlinks are calculated.

Welcome to the community @jjkavalam!

The core backlinks functionality (tab in info, backlinks operator) takes into account only “hard” links, e.g. [[B]].
Afaik, the core has no functionality to analyze the more complex references/links like macros.

The Relink plugin can do it however. All references such as macros are shown in “Relink backreferences” tab. It is preconfigured to understand core macros (such as translink) and can be configured to understand your custom macros as well.
If you have further questions, feel free to ask!


Welcome @jjkavalam

Of course [[B]] will create a backlink so if along with the translink macro you include a standard link B will backlink to A.

But we can hide it as well

<<translink B>> <section style.display="none"> [[B]] </section>
  • I expect there are a host of ways to do something similar.
  • sometimes there may be an advantage to avoiding backlink creation.
  • as @vilc points out relink is your friend here