How to stop sending "favorited" tiddlers to the bottom of the template?

I am having trouble with the code for the view template below. A summary of its purpose is to display transcluded message tiddlers into one conversation tiddler. The issue is with the favoriting system I have implemented. The first time a message is favorited it is sent to the bottom of the conversation tiddler, when I want it to stay put. However, if all messages have been favorited the buttons work as intended, but this is not the proper use. Any help is appreciated!

<$vars conversation={{!!conversation_title}} conversation_index="1">

<div class="conversation-title">
<$macrocall $name="exportButton" 

<$list filter="[conversation_id{!!title}sort[created]]" counter="num">

<$details summary={{!!author}} open="yes">

<$list filter="[is[current]!favorite[true]]">
<div style="text-align: right;">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Unfavorite this message">
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> favorite="true"/>

<$list filter="[is[current]favorite[true]]">
<div style="text-align: right;">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Unfavorite this message">
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> favorite="false"/>

<div class="message_block">
<$transclude mode="block"/>
<div class="annotation_button">
<$macrocall $name="annotate" message-id={{!!message_id}}/>
<i>Generated <$text text={{{ [{!!timestamp}format:date[DDth mmm YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss]] }}}/></i><br>
Tokens: <$editor-counter field="text" mode=word/> || 

<$list filter="[timestamp{!!timestamp}chatgptelement[]nsort[timestamp]nth{!!title}]">
<$vars tiddler-title={{!!title}}>

<div class="associating image with message">
<$details summary="Associate an image with this message">

<$macrocall $name='image-picker' actions="
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/_MyImage' $value=<<imageTitle>>/>"/>

<$image source={{$:/_MyImage}} width="100"/>
<$button> Add {{$:/_MyImage}} to this <$link to={{!!title}}>prompt</$link>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/_MyImage}} message={{!!title}} chatgptelement="added-image"/>


<div class="picture in message">
<$list filter="[chatgptelement[added-image]message{!!title}]">
<$image source=<<currentTiddler>> width="100"/>
<br> <$button> Remove this <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>image</$link> from this 
<$link to=<<tiddler-title>>>prompt</$link>
<$action-setfield message="" chatgptelement=""/>

Do you mean:

…or I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re asking for.

And that is a very long code that you are hoping people should read to help you. Could you extract the relevant part?


  • Instead of encapsulating your buttons in divs just to apply text-align, you might instead want to add a class to the buttons, that you define somewhere (e.g in a styleblock or, properly, in a separate stylesheet tiddler).
  • <$link to={{!!title}}>prompt</$link> can be written <$link>prompt</$link> because the widget assumes the currentTiddler.

Welcome @Andrew_H to the forum. I am on my mobile. A quick scan of you code suggests you are not using an appropriate sort on you lists, so you just use get a default sort order.

It looks like you’re making two lists, and then you’re perplexed about why the favorites are at the bottom. But of course they will all be after the non-favorites if you have two lists, and the list of favorites comes only after the list of non-favorites…

You probably want one single list, where items in that one list (sorted by whatever you want — such as date) display certain elements differently depending on whether they’re favorites or not. To make that detail work out well, I recommend using the Conditional Shortcut Syntax to specify what buttons/actions should appear if it isn’t a favorite (<% if [<currentTiddler>!favorite[true]] %>) and then (in <% else %> section) what buttons/actions should appear if it is a favorite.

Feel free to follow up if I’m not following your situation, or if you’re unsure how to work with the conditional shortcut syntax.