How to show all or open todo items in Kookma todo list?

I am using the Kookma todo list, and it works very well. It’s at Todolist Plugin 1.4.2 — Organize, prioritize, and plan your work. However I’m finding I have many projects, and several groups of projects grouped by development tool. (We use many dev tools here.) Is there a way I can enter multiple domains into the “base” attribute to show all todo items for multiple domains in one spot, like a summary?

<<todolist-ui caption:"''Todo list caption''" width:"" base:"test todo">>

Since the “base” can have spaces in the domain name, I’m not sure how to do this. Maybe we can use a comma to separate domains in the “base” attribute? That would mean I would have to be sure not to use a comma in any of my todo list domain names.

Hi @C_Bacca,
The todolist-ui accepts one tiddler for base! But you can call several todolist-ui each with their own base in the same tiddler!

See also Multiple Todolist


<$list filter="Work Home Projects" variable=prj>
<$macrocall $name=todolist-ui base=<<prj>> caption="""<h2 style="color:darkred;font-weight:lighter;"><<prj>></h2>""" />


Thank you Mohammed. I don’t see a link for your Multiple Todolist in this forum. Is that on your todolist site?

Go to the Todolist tutorial tiddler, the Multiple todo list tab is in the middle of the vertical tab list