How to show a field only if it is not zero

Hello forum,

I need help:

I’m writing a text into a field tag_selection of tiddler $:/temp/Suche/Phrase
Than I’m filtering the tags according the tag_selection and let them count.

If tag_selection is empty, the count is 0.

The goal is to show the count only, if the tag_selection is not empty

<$let tag_selection={{$:/temp/Suche/Phrase!!tag_selection}}>
 (<$text text={{{ [!is[system]search::literal{$(searchTiddler)$}] :filter[enlist{!!tags}prefix<tag_selection>] +[count[]] }}}/>)

How can that be done?

Thanks for feedback.

Hi @StS

Try adding +[!match[0]] at the end of your filter, it will mask the result when it’s 0.
If the only condition for the count to be 0 is tag_selection being empty, then you should be good to go.
If you don’t want to see the count when tag_selection is empty, then this simple solution won’t be enough.


Instead of using a simple $let widget to get the tag_selection field value, use a $list widget, like this:

<$list variable="tag_selection" filter="[[$:/temp/Suche/Phrase]get[tag_selection]]">

The get[tag_selection] filter operator will only return a result if the tag_selection field has non-blank content. When the field contents ARE blank, the filter result is empty, and entire the body of the $list widget is skipped.


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Hi @tw-FRed, @EricShulman, it was not successful.

Here an exampe to explain it better (= it’s an additional “subfilter”):
tag_selection is filled and counted → ok:

tag_selection is empty and only the count is shown.

I only want to see the count, if the tag_selection is not empty

Can that be archieved with an if/else in the code?

Thanks, Stefan

Ok, so instead of my previous solution, you can append :filter[<tag_selection>!is[blank]] to your filter.

It worked in this simplified example code:

<$edit-text field=tag_selection/>

<$let tag_selection={{!!tag_selection}}>
{{{ [enlist<tag_selection>] +[count[]] :filter[<tag_selection>!is[blank]] }}}


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Thanks, that works as expected :+1:

I just tested @EricShulman’s solution and it also works in my example.

<$edit-text field=tag_selection/>

<$list variable=tag_selection filter="[<currentTiddler>get[tag_selection]]">
<$text text={{{ [enlist<tag_selection>] +[count[]] }}}/>

His solution is even better than mine because when tag_selection is empty, the <$text> widget and the filter are not rendered, so it uses less resources.
I’m curious to know why it doesn’t work in your code?


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Has everyone forgotten the difference between has[fieldname] and has:field[fieldname] ?

The first is only true if field name has a value, the second only if the field exists empty or otherwise.

Also get[fieldname] only returns a value if there is one.

To test for a specific value else nothing use fieldname[value] or <value> etc… Possibly also !fieldname<value>

On all of the above set the current tiddler first.

Hi @tw-FRed,

replacng the $let witget with @EricShulman’s solution will not do the additional subfilter of tag_selection and the count is always 1


instead of using enlist<tag_selection>, try this:

<$list variable=tag_selection filter="[<currentTiddler>get[tag_selection]]">
<$text text={{{ [subfilter<tag_selection>count[]] }}}/>

This will allow processing of any filter syntax contained within the tag_selection value. Alternatively, try using just the $count widget, like this:

<$count filter={{!!tag_selection}}/>


Hi @EricShulman,

this is the working code:

\define phrase()
<span style="font-size: 0.7em; font-weight: 600; color: rgba(204, 204, 255, 0.6); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(204, 204, 255, 0.6);">
      //... als Phrase://
<span style="font-size: 0.7em; color: rgb(144, 238, 144);"><$text text={{{ [!is[system]search::literal{$(searchTiddler)$}count[]] }}}/></span>
<span style="font-size: 0.5em; color: rgba(204, 204, 255, 0.6); margin-left: 2em;"> {{$:/temp/Suche/Phrase!!tag_selection}}</span>
<div class="show_tag_in_search"> ... Suche einschränken auf: &nbsp;<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/Suche/Phrase" field=tag_selection placeholder="Gruppe..." tag=input default=""/>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" set="$:/temp/Suche/Phrase!!tag_selection" setTo="" tooltip="Suchfeld löschen"> &nbsp; ↺ </$button>
<$let tag_selection={{$:/temp/Suche/Phrase!!tag_selection}}>
<span style="font-size: 0.5em; color: rgb(144, 238, 144);"> <$text text={{{ [!is[system]search::literal{$(searchTiddler)$}] :filter[enlist{!!tags}prefix<tag_selection>] +[count[]] :filter[<tag_selection>!is[blank]] }}}/> </span>

<ul class="te-nav-list">
<!-- <$list filter="[!is[system]search:*:literal{$(searchTiddler)$}!sort[erstellt]limit[50]]" template="$:/plugins/telmiger/simple-search/ui/ListItemTemplate"/> -->
<$list filter="[!is[system]search:*:literal{$(searchTiddler)$}] :filter[enlist{!!tags}prefix<tag_selection>] +[!sort[erstellt]limit[50]]" template="$:/plugins/telmiger/simple-search/ui/ListItemTemplate">


Replacing the $let part with mentioned code didn’t work → filter with tag_selection has no effect anymore.
Is this the reason of using $:/temp/Suche/Phrase?