How to save an Online TiddlyWiki

Actually there is a really simple tip to download a wiki, well at least the copy on the server without any unsaved changes. When the save button is clicked it will use a save method if available, and no longer resort to the default download saver.

  • See below to also save your recent changes as well.

On any link, to any tiddler, r-click save as, a random file name will be given, you can rename this and choose where to save it. Now open the file from your download and you have a local copy of the wiki.

  • Can’t see a link? Create a tiddler, edit it and create a link eg [[tiddlywiki]], save the tiddler. Even although it may be a “missing tiddler”, you “can r-click save as”.
  • On, the site title is a link “TiddlyWiki”, so you can r-click that and save the whole of as a single html file. Again without any unsaved changes
    • A Quick trick on any site is to use settings > Info > Basics > Title of this TiddlyWiki and wrap the title in [[ ]] eg [[Wiki title]] and it becomes a link, if for the long run perhaps do it to an existing tiddler eg; [[TiddlyWiki|HelloThere]], then r-click to save as.
  • However is a public read only site and you can’t save changes to the server, so if you press the red save button the “default download saver” is triggered and you can save the wiki with your changes to a single file wiki.
    • The default file saver does not save all tiddlers, See $:/core/save/all to see the exceptions.

Save your recent changes as well

  • The save wiki button uses the action message tm-save-wiki which uses the saver, a quick way to create a “download wiki and all changes button” is as follows;
    • Open $:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki and clone it, and rename to $:/core/ui/Buttons/download-wiki or any other meaningful name.
    • Edit the new tiddler find the line containing $message="tm-save-wiki" and change it to $message="tm-download-file and you can add another parameter if you want eg filename="MyWiki"
    • You may want to change the icon in use, the tooltip caption etc… but this is not essential.
    • Click the new button to download and defaulting to the given filename.html eg; `MyWiki.html"