How to reverse toggle fieldvalues of a particular field

I am experimenting with Tasker made by @telumire.

It has a button to the left side of each task which toggle the field-value in the field named task of each task tiddlers - button code is in this tiddler. I want to reverse toggle through the same field-values of that field using the same button with the help of a modifier key like shift . How to modify the code of the button to achieve this

I have seen a similar application here - How to reverse cycle through the palettes using cycle operator - #5 by saqimtiaz and MultiColumn Layout — v0.86.0

The code in the tiddler suggests it toggles left to right and you want to return to the left?

  • another approach would include drag and drop to a column when wanting to go contrary to the normal flow.

I think that would be enough for my use-case. I hadn’t checked that option. Thanks @TW_Tones for the tip