How to pass contents of a tiddler to the filter?

I want to use the contents of the tiddler $:/config/NewJournal/Tags inside a filter with tag operator.

Currently, it only has one string Journal. But it can get more entries, like Journal [[example tag]]

Things that I have tried :sweat: and failed.

I expected following attempts to work at least when {{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags}} evaluated to a single string i.e. Journal. But I was wrong.



I expected translusion to work inside the filter.

<$list filter="[tag[{{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags}}]]" />

Failed :-1:


I noticed that list operator can show the content this way

<$list filter="[list[$:/config/NewJournal/Tags!!text]]" />

So I tried same syntax with tag operator

<$list filter="[tag[$:/config/NewJournal/Tags!!text]]" />

Failed. :-1:


<$vars example1="$:/config/NewJournal/Tags">
<$list filter="[tag<example1>]" variable="ignore">

Failed. :-1:

how about [tag{tiddlername goes here}]? that should work at least for the single tag situation.

When referencing tiddler contents within filter syntax:

  • The delimiters surround the filter operand indicate how the operand is to be processed:
    • square brackets – [text]– surround literal text
    • angle brackets – <variablename> – surround variable references
    • curly braces – {tiddlername}, {!!fieldname}, or {tiddlername!!fieldname} – surround tiddler field references

Note that, while doubled delimiters – [[tiddlerlink]], <<variablename>>, or {{fieldreference}}– are used within regular wikitext, single delimiters – [text], <variablename>, or {fieldreference} – are used within filter syntax.

Thus, for your purposes, you could write: [tag{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags}]. However, as you have noted, the tag filter operator only works with single tag values. To filter for multiple tag values, you can use a combination of enlist and tagging filter operators, like this:

<$list filter="[enlist{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags}tagging[]]" />
  • The enlist{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags} operator retrieves the text field value contained in $:/config/NewJournal/Tags and processes it to convert a space-separated, bracketed list into multiple individual items.
  • The tagging[] operator then processes each individual item in turn to find all tiddler titles that are tagged with each of the listed items. The resulting titles are automatically “de-duplicated” so that each title is listed only once in the final result.



the problem with tagging is that it will give you the tiddlers tagged with any of the tags you pass it.

I don’t know if that’s what @talha131 wants… but if it is, we’re done.

If not, I guess we’ll need to mess with filter runs, perhaps :intersect or map

Can’t thank you enough @EricShulman

I did notice these syntax differences and wondered about their significance when going through macros from other experts. Great explanation. You answered my several questions with one shot.

I am trying to customize journal-book macro. @EricShulman answer removed the roadblock.