How to open the newly edited 1~3 tiddler in the Story River every time I open the wiki

Dear friends

This is helpful for updating small amounts of entries each time, otherwise you can only open 1 to 3 tiddle again after opening a new wiki to continue editing

Any reply would be greatly appreciated

The “Default tiddlers” setting (in $:/ControlPanel > Info > Basics) is most often used to list tiddler titles to be opened in the StoryRiver at startup. However, this setting can also contain filter syntax.

Thus, to open the 3 most recently edited tiddlers, you can put the following in the “Default tiddlers” setting:


Then, to trigger this at any time (without needing to reload your TiddlyWiki): in the SideBar > Tools tab, select the checkbox next to the “home” button. This will add the Home button to the SideBar PageToolbar. You can then click that button to automatically close all open tiddlers and apply the “Default Tiddlers” filter that you entered above, just as if you have reloaded your TiddlyWiki.



Thank you very much, my wiki technology god, the wiki works perfectly

However, this setting can also contain filter syntax.

That is not obvious at all, because it’s not specified in the description of the setting that’s being displayed.

I did create a DOCS PR with some more info.

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