How to name images in Tw

Hello everyone.

I would like to know your workflow regarding the images you have on your Tw. Specifically how you name them.

When I started a couple of years ago with my first wiki, what I did was name the images of the same tiddler with something similar to this "Image_1-1.jpg; Image_1-2.jpg; etc…"Where the first number was to indicate that they belonged to the same tiddler, and the second the order in which they were put in said tiddler.

Now that I’m restructuring my Tw I’m looking for an effective way to name images.

At first I thought about naming them after the tiddler himself, but that would sometimes give me a very long name. Another option would be to give them random names, but then you would no longer know where they belong and you would lose track of them.

How do you do it?

Thank you.

I struggled with photos and how TW manages them. I don’t import images or use the file name of an image. Instead of explaining it you can see for yourself with my demo/example. This link opens directly to the Photographs tiddlers.


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I try to follow the Philosophy of Tiddlers with my image names. So far, they’re prefixed Images/ to help separate them from regular tiddlers. For example, Images/Frank Sinatra Helicopter. Then they can be transcluded into other tiddlers, enumerated with filters, etc.

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For short series I do use eg:

  • plugins-01.png, plugins-02.png, plugins-03.png, and so on
  • The advantage is that it’s easy to see, that they belong together
  • The disadvantage is that I need a lot of renaming if I want to insert a new screenshot as eg: -02.png
    • If that’s needed I use plugins-02.1.png, which is a bit clunky, but avoids renaming

If eg. screenshot are more independent I try to give them “speaking” names eg:

  • github-token-fine-grained-minimal-test-01.png
  • cheatsheet-1.1.0-symbols.png
  • 01-create-bookmark-link-to-tabs.png

and so on. The advantage is that the file names do make sense without the need to view the images.
The disadvantage is that they need more typing.

Most of the times I do use the second version. IMO investing a bit more time to find proper image names pays of in the long run

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I have taken an approach which makes my images hidden and thus removes them from the main search.

Tiddler name:

Tiddler type:

_canonical_uri: url-to-image-as-field-value

That way I embed all the images, keeping the wiki size down, and can exclude image tiddlers from cluttering the main search (you can still use advanced search to search for them).

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Hi Craig.

I really like your version of Tw for genius, I’ve been using Gramps for quite some time but when I can I’ll give Memory Keeper an in-depth look.
Thanks for the instructions, I will look carefully at how you organize the images on your Tw.

All the best

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Hello Peter.

Thank you for showing me your strategy with the naming of the images.

All the best

Hello pmario.

The truth is that until now I have been mainly using your first method but as I have more images it becomes complicated.

Right now I’m trying to define a model based mostly on your second method. But as you say, it’s better to waste a little time looking for the most efficient way than to have to rename it all the time…

All the best

Hello gavcloud.

Your method for hiding image tiddlers seems very interesting to me, especially so as not to saturate the tiddlers index with as many images as it will be in my case. I’ll think about it carefully but most likely I’ll copy your idea. :sweat_smile:

All the best

I use node.js with thousands of images in each year. So I stored images separated by year as subfolder under files/images, then timestamp as filename.

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IMO it’s an investment to save future maintenence. So it pays of.

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Please see tyhis Organizing computer data files and matching to TiddlyWiki - #14 by TW_Tones especialy AI and Images.

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Most of the images I include in my TiddlyWiki, I tend to use a keyword based filename. I try to avoid acronyms. I also avoid starting the name of the image with any type of number as this will make them sort at the top.

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Hello markkerrigan.

Thanks for your advice, greetings.