How to make the order of tag drop down by "recently" rule when editing the tag?

Now seems the order of the drop down list ordered by alphabet. How to make the last used tag as the first, like the recently sidebar?

Ori this is possible with modifications but not out of the box. There is no direct record kept each time we use a tag, however it can be implied;

When a tag is used by placement on a tiddler that tiddler (with a few exceptions) gets its modified field updated. From this we can find out which tags were most recently in use on the last modified tiddlers.


Without installing a method to timestamp or capture a most recently used MRU it is difficult to tell which tag was added to tiddlers with more than one tag.

I for one have being keen to develop a range of methods to capture usage so many different aspects of tiddlywiki can make use of lists of “Most recently used” lists.

It is quite simple to at least collect information about the “last tag” (only) applied to any tiddler in a wiki but you would need to modify both the tag picker and tag dropdown.

The following package installs a number of features into the tag dropdown menu (not the tag picker) which may give you some inspiration.

reimagin-tags.json (9.5 KB)

Another alternative is;

Make your own tag picker that presents the tags in order of their uses on most recently modified tiddlers.

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