How to make \n symbol to read as new line in Tiddlywiki?

Hi! I like to use Tiddywiki symbols * # // – and so on in text field.
But is it possible to make my own rule for symbols?
For example to read \n as new line?

Thanks for asking this. I’m always forgetting where (and where not) \n is recognised.

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@Siniy-Kit why have you arrived at this question? It may help for us to know what led you here.

I know a few different ways to answer and have an equivalent or two depending on what you are trying to achive.

  • you could search and replace \n with new line
  • I have a special symbol you enter from an editor tool bar that becomes a new line at render time.

And I have more I can share…

I believe only in regular expressions to test for new line.

@pmario has a solution for this. He wrote a plugin to add custom rules to parser.

Yes See Wikilabs “Custom Markup” or “Space space newline”.

Here is my aforementioned line break character which has a parser in it and an editor toolbar button to insert it (no shortcut yet set)

linebreak-editor-toolbar-button.json (3.6 KB)

eg; This↩︎that↩︎and the other results in

and the other

You could search and replace \n with ↩︎

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You could try the space-space-newline plugin, but I’m not sure if that’s what you ask for in the OP

Hi, Anthony! I help people to make their TW5 on-line stores on my site from their google spreadsheets
Last time I get this LAND ROVER Google магазин 2.4 - Google Spreadsheets

there are many /n in it Бесплатный интернет магазин на Гугл таблицах с сайта — Heeg.html so I try to make my TW rule for it.

I’ll test your variant/

Thank you! It works good. All \n become <br>

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