How to make it possible to select other field when I using Gen Tags plugin?

I used Gen Tags plugin to add two more fileds (keyword,status) below the tag-edit block, but I cannot pick the existing keyword or status, I think it is the tag-picker problem.
so I want to ask how to solve this problem?

The Gen Tags plugin was created quite a while ago now, by @inmysocks . I’m not sure the tag-picker was implemented in TW at that time, or maybe it was but I’m pretty sure it was not integrated into Gen Tags. So I don’t think there is any bug if that is what you mean with “problem”. Rather, the question is more if it is possible to integrate tag-picking into Gen Tags.

That link shows some QR code and text that is not meaningful for most people here.

Thanks for answer!

Rather, the question is more if it is possible to integrate tag-picking into Gen Tags

this is really what I meant!

Just a minor pointer that the tag-picker macro already in TiddlyWiki already allows tags to be placed in an alternate field, however what it thinks is a tag is determined the usual way.

  • New tags added to the field will not become available later, only existing tags.

<<tag-picker tagField:"tag-list">>

Of course you could modify the tag-picker macro $:/core/macros/tag-picker

  • I think I went down this path before, I will have a look.

Please install this alt-tags.json (8.5 KB) package that extends the tag-picker macro to better handle the use of alternative tagFields by searching existing values in the alternative tag field (only).



Thanks, I replied to the second of these, including a reference back here.

Post Script - I updated my last post with a solution