I have a growing TW of custom content for a game (The Sims 2/3/4), which has an “Author” field with the name of the creator of the particular item.
I’d like to create a tiddler with a list of all Creator’s, along with the number of items (tiddlers) ascribed to each one, with clickable links to each individual item.
I cannot simply search for their name, as it may appear in the text of other tiddlers from different creators, and I also have another field where their name may pop up, unrelatedly.
Although it would be much easier if the Creators were Tags instead of Fields, I already use the tag system to categorize the content (Clothing, Teen, Outdoor, Mod, etc.), and cannot change systems on the nearly 1000 tiddlers created thus far…
I know I really need to learn more about filtering, but it truly causes my head to spin every time I get into it (I just spent nearly 30 minutes figuring out how to create a has/!has list filter to use as an if/else filter…).
Any help greatly appreciated