How to handle parameters which Contain Spaces in Procedure

I made procedure to list tiddlers have specified value at specified field.
It works, but it get error if there is a space in the parameter.
Would you give some advices for me?

\procedure listbyFieldValue(field,value)
<$let  field=<<field>> value=<<value>> contains=`[contains:$(field)$[$(value)$]]`>
	 <$list filter="[filter<contains>]"><$link><$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tag-label"><$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>get[caption]else{!!title}] }}}/></$button></$link> </$list>

I think it would be easier for us, if you describe how your field-values look like and how your list-output should look like in plain text.

So we can create a filter and some code, that can work with those values.

Thank you the reply.
I think to use tiddlers as product database.

Product tiddlers have “PIC” field, the value is the name of person in charge.
The value is mainly in Japanese like “鳥山明” “岸本斉史”, but sometimes in English like “Donald John Trump”, “Joe Biden”.

↓Used to list group members’ responsibilities

The problem was contains operator.
I used the field operator instead and it worked as expected.

\procedure listbyFieldValue(field,value)
<$let  field=<<field>> value=<<value>> contains=`[search:$(field)$:[$(value)$]]`>
	 <$list filter="[filter<contains>]"><$link><$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tag-label"><$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>get[caption]else{!!title}] }}}/></$button></$link> </$list>

The problem was the field value. Very elementary mistake :persevere:
and now contains operator works.

I share the finished one.
*argument “operator” can be “contains/search/field”. (default=“contains”)

\procedure listbyFieldValue(field,value,buttonClass:"tc-btn-invisible tc-tag-label",operator:"contains")
<$let  field=<<field>> value=<<value>> operator=`[$(operator)$:$(field)$[$(value)$]]`>
	 <$list filter="[filter<operator>]"><$link><$button class=<<buttonClass>>><$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>get[caption]else{!!title}] }}}/></$button></$link> </$list>