How to get Vercel going on a TW fork?

I really like the automatic previews that Vercel builds for each PR, and would like to have something like it for my fork of TW (on demand, not for PRs).

I am, however, quite the n00b when it comes to GitHub, and I couldn’t build a TW from the source if my life depended on it. So, is there a list of steps I can follow, or some settings I need to set to make it work.

I have connected Vercel to my fork of the depository, but when I press the Build button, I get this:

Really, noone? @jeremyruston, @linonetwo, @saqimtiaz?

You could try the option for deploying third-party repos: Third Party – Vercel

I have never setup vercel for a fork of someone else’s repo.

But you set it up for “your” TW repository? Which at some point you forked from the original?
All I need is to get Vercel to build TW for me, but I don’t know the build commands and things that you have to provide to Vercel in the project settings, since it looks like the standard settings don’t work…

Hi @Yaisog – apologies, I’ve been tied up the last few days, and won’t be back at my desk for a few more. I’m somewhat behind on a bunch of messages that I can’t deal with properly on my tablet, but should catch up once I’m back in action.

Vercel is great, and fairly straightforward to set up. I think the details you need are all shown in this screenshot:

Let me know if there’s anything else you need.


Yeah, I’ve been noticing… :wink:

Yes, that was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

Have a nice day