How to find the oldest tiddler created?

What would be the easiest way to find the date of the oldest tiddler created in a TiddlyWiki standalone file?

In $:/AdvancedSearch > Filter, enter this filter:


This will show the title of the oldest tiddler.

To show the date, use:

[all[tiddlers]has[created]sort[created]first[]get[created]format:date[YYYY-MMM-0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss]]



I think the easiest way is [!created[]first[]]

Edit. – uups. Thanks Eric. I do not know, what I did think about.

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Thank you both, @EricShulman and @pmario !

The two suggested filters produce different results on

{{{ [has[created]sort[created]first[]] }}}
returns HTML Entities
which has created field=20130204165019000

{{{ [!created[]first[]] }}}
returns "A free, open source wiki revisited" by Mark Gibbs, NetworkWorld
which has created field=20160204225047445

The problem is that the second filter returns titles using a default alpha sort, rather than sorting by the created date. Thus, the title beginning with "A free,... is the first result, even though it is not the earliest tiddler.
