How to embed home timeline of twitter account using the official twitter plug in

How to embed home timeline of my twitter account in my wiki using the official twitter plug in ?

The plugin comes with documentation for a multitude of embedding options including two for timelines. Which have you tried and what is the code that you have tried?

I want to embed the home timeline of my twitter account in my wiki - I couldn’t find the option to embed the home timeline in the plug in documenatation.

collection, list, url and like timelines are available in the plug in documentation

I was able to get the list timeline working. <$twitter type="timelineList" id=""/>

likes and url timeline - I was not able to get them working, although the demo with tiddlywiki twitter account was working in my wiki. May be there is some problem with my twitter screenName or url.

What I am really interested in is the home timeline. If that option is not there, I may have to create some custom list and use the working list timeline

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