How to create a Tiddler where you can only edit the title

I know this is possible with edit templates, but I don’t know enough about them to pull this off. I want to create a kind of tiddler where you can only edit the title, as the rest of it is templated and it’s used for storing data with edit text widgets and fields.

@GameDungeon I would tend to move such code into a tiddler and use the view template rather than have the requirement you now have. However;

You can use the Edit Template Body cascade.

  • Clone $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/default I did to $:/PSaT/EditTemplate/title
  • Clone $:/config/EditTemplateBodyFilters/default I did to $:/config/EditTemplateBodyFilters/title-only
    • Change the tiddler referenced inside to $:/PSaT/EditTemplate/title (we still have more work)
      • Edit the filter to read [edit-title-only[yes]then[$:/PSaT/EditTemplate/title]]
    • Edit and add an empty list-before field

Now any tiddler with the field edit-title-only[yes] will use our new editor $:/PSaT/EditTemplate/title - at the moment it is not different to the default.

  • We now edit this to be a edit title only editor
  • Create a test tiddler with edit-title-only[yes] to experiment with.

I need to do otherthings but I may give you a working $:/PSaT/EditTemplate/title tiddler later today., next 12 hours

How would it work the view template way if you think that would be better?

You would suppress the edit button, and provide another that somehow allows you to edit the title in view mode. However I favor the second idea.

I now realise I need to change the Story Tiddler Cascade to hide the other editor elements, not the Edit Template Body as above.

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